This web page attempts to draw together a list of people who are actively involved in the advancement of the Text Analytics field. That is, these people are the ground-breakers who conduct leading-edge research. They typically work in Universities or leading-edge commercial Research and Development. Please (only) add yourself to this list if you fit this description.
Accenture, USA: Accenture Technology Labs
Bar-Ilan University, Israel: Department of Computer Science
BBN Technologies: Information Extraction
- Ralph Weischedel
Capital Markets CRC, Sydney, Australia:
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA: Language Technologies Institute, School of Computer Science
Center for Scientific and Technological Research (ITC-irst): Cognitive and Communication Technologies
Columbia University: Natural Language Processing Group
Cornell University, USA: Computer Science
DFKI GmbH, Germany: Language Technology Lab
Digital Sonata, Australia:
Digital Enterprise Research Institute (DERI), Galway, Ireland:
EC Joint Research Centre, Ispra: Language Technology
- Jakub Piskorski
- Ralf Steinberger
- Hristo Tanev
Google Research:
- Dekang Lin
Emory University, Atlanta, USA: Mathematics & Computer Science Department
Hanyang University, Korea: Dept of Computer Science and Engineering
Illinois State University, USA: School of Information Technology
Information Sciences Institute (ISI), USC, California, USA: NL Group, Intelligent Systems Division
Jena University: Langues & Information Engineering Lab (JULIE)
J. Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia: Department of Knowledge Technologies
Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA: Knowledge and Information Systems Science Team
Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia: Centre for Language Technology
Microsoft Research, USA: Text Mining, Search and Navigation Group
The Mitre Corporation: Human Language Technology
National Research Council (CNR), Rome, Italy: Laboratory for Applied Ontology
New Mexico State University, USA: Computing Research Laboratory
New York University: Department of Computer Science
Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation, Japan: Cyber Communications Laboratory
- Takaaki Hasegawa
SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, USA: AI Center
Stanford University, Stanford, USA: Stanford NLP Group
Syntience Inc., Los Altos, CA, USA:
University of Brighton, UK: Natural Language Technology Group
University of California, Berkley:
School of Information
University of Cambridge, UK: Computer Laboratory
University of Economics, Prague: Faculty of Informatics and Statistics
University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK: ICCS
- Beatrice Alex
- Sam Brody
- Kate Byrne
- James Clarke
- Sharon Givon
- Claire Grover
- Ben Hachey
- Barry Haddow
- Ewan Klein
- Mirella Lapata
- Jochen Leidner
- Johanna D. Moore
- Miles Osborne
- Sebastian Riedel
- Stuart Roebuck
- Bonnie Webber
- Theresa Wilson
University of Helsinki: Department of Computer Science
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign: Beckman Institute
University of Koblenz-Landau: Information Systems and Semantic Web
University of Massachusetts Amherst: Department of Computer Science
The University of Manchester: National Centre for Text Mining (NaCTeM)
University of Michigan, Michigan, USA: Computational Linguistics And Information Retrieval
Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya: Dept. de Llenguatges i Sistemes Informatics
University of Rome: Dipartimento di Informatica
University of Sheffield, UK: Natural Language Processing Research Group
- Kalina Bontcheva (GATE team)
- Fabio Ciravegna
- Hamish Cunningham (GATE team)
- Rob Gaizauskas
- Diana Maynard
- Mark Stevenson
- Yorick Wilks
University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia: School of Information Technologies
University of Texas at Austin, USA: Machine Learning Research Group
University of Texas at Dallas, USA: Human Language Technology Research Institute
University of Tokyo: Tsujii Laboratory
University of Utah, Salt Lake City, USA: School of Computing
University of Washington: Department of Computer Science and Engineering
University of Wisconsin, USA: Dept. of Biostatistics and Medical Informatics
University of Zurich: Department of Informatics
Yahoo!: Research Lab